
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

2016 Temperature Blanket

Hi Everyone!! I'm sure you've seen the tons of posts on Pinterest and Facebook about making a temperature blanket!
*Not my work ©ChocolateDogStudio on Etsy

I've tried making one of these before and lost my interest so I never finished it. BUT this year I think I'm really going to do it.

One example of your yarn choices.
This year is special, why you ask? because it's a LEAP YEAR, which means this year has an even number of days! Perfect for a Corner to Corner blanket!! What my plan is is to use the chart below (I'm using Red Heart Super Saver and I liked that there is a wider range of colors in this chart) and create my blanket, Increasing from now until June, and then decreasing for the rest of the year.
I am also not great with doing *1 row a day* type projects, so I'm keeping a Temperature log in my datebook as a reference, noting the sky conditions (sunny, cloudy, rain, snow) the temperature and also the yarn color. I was originally wanting to make a C2C square for each month and join them at the end of the year, but because the months are all not equal with days they wouldn't be the same size and I thought it would look weird. So. That's my plan! I'm going to purchase some of the wintery colors now and get started!

This is the chart I'm using! (i will add stitches of rain and snow instead of the whole row)

Not into the idea of a Temperature blanket? How about a mood blanket? You could use the same principle ( a row a day) and use a different color based on your mood for the day. No matter what project you choose it should be a fun way to work on your crochet for the whole year!

If you decide to make one please feel free to share it with me!
Happy Crafting!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing my afghan and the links to my Etsy shop. It is such a wonderful surprise to see it here. Thanks again, Karen

  2. You're very welcome! Your afghan is beautiful!

  3. The double stitch is similar to the alternate stitch, but instead of making two single crochets in one stitch, it spans two stitches. Insert your crochet hook in the stitch to be worked, wrap the yarn over it so you pull back a loop, then insert the crochet hook into the next stitch. single crochet back loop only
