
Monday, February 11, 2013

Cookie Jar Re-do

For this project I already had all of my materials

A blank cookie jar (or if you want to cover over and old one with an outdated picture/design, go for it!)
Scrapbook paper (picture, comic strip, or anything really)
Mod Podge (still using the martha brand but i'm not that crazy about it)
Letter Stickers (optional)

I only chose to do a section of my jar because I liked having most of it still plain since I chose such a busy piece of scrapbook paper.
Make sure your cookie jar is clean and you can begin!

Step one: Cut out your paper/artwork
Step 2: Put Mod Podge on the back of your paper and on your cookie jar, stick it on!
Let it dry for a few hours
Step 3: do at least 2 coats of Mod Podge, let dry for a few hours between coats
Step 4 (optional): Add stickers and Mod Podge over it to secure

In hindsight I probably should've left the stickers off but I like them anyway!

Have fun!

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