
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sewing 101

I finally learned how to thread my sewing machine and get it working, I still have a little ways to go but I'm getting there. At least I can sew in a straight line! I'm very excited to start work on some projects that were put on hold. I'm also very excited for the holidays so I can make some wonderful homemade gifts. I know, "oh joy" but trust me, homemade gifts can be fun, creative and in these tight economic times, nice and friendly to the pocketbook. I may be spending even more time on Pinterest than usual to get some inspiration.
What the heck did people do before the internet?

Oh, and we're thisclose to getting 200 "likes" on facebook! So please share us with your friends, it's very exciting to have so many readers and I'm looking forward to spending more time crafting and blogging so I can share everything with you!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe halloween!

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