
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sock Monkey Hats

And twins.
Seriously, aren't these the cutest little monkeys ever?! My wonderful friend Kat is the mom of these two little darlings and asked me to make them sock monkey hats for the holidays. I happily obliged and couldn't be happier with the turnout.

I used a mashup of a few different patterns and didn't write out my own but if I ever make another one I will try to remember to jot everything down!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crocheted Skirt for Elf on the Shelf

Sittin' Pretty
When I buy something for my daughter, even if a million other people have it, I like to try and make it as custom for her as possible. I know how huge the Elf on the Shelf is and even though we got her a girl elf, who she has named "Snow Angel" she didn't look very girly. So in about 30 minutes I whipped her up a quick skirt and the next morning she was sporting her new fashion from the North Pole.
I've written up the pattern, it's very easy! Have at it, and if you make some link me in the comments, I would love to see other color combinations!

Looks like a fuzzy doughnut

So cute!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pacifier Clips

When my daughter was a few months old I decided to try and make some pacifier clips that I had seen in the store.
it turns out that they're super easy to make, and super cute!

These are for sale now!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

My daughter turned 3 on Sunday and we also had her birthday party. You guessed it, the theme was Minnie Mouse! Of course I had to add my own twist on it and included zebra, because what's a party without zebra print?!

First, I have to thank my wonderfully talented friend Kat for our invites!

The rest of the pics are pretty self explanatory so here they are!

The cupcakes were dressed up with royal icing bows "glued" on to oreos with mini oreos as the ears.

The cake itself was  6" around, and the topper was made from a styrofoam ball and cardboard covered in fondant. With a gumpaste bow and candy melts for polka dots.

Happy Birthday!

The finished cupcakes!

Up close and personal

Goody bags (Minnie cookies inside) With printed custom thank you card.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sewing 101

I finally learned how to thread my sewing machine and get it working, I still have a little ways to go but I'm getting there. At least I can sew in a straight line! I'm very excited to start work on some projects that were put on hold. I'm also very excited for the holidays so I can make some wonderful homemade gifts. I know, "oh joy" but trust me, homemade gifts can be fun, creative and in these tight economic times, nice and friendly to the pocketbook. I may be spending even more time on Pinterest than usual to get some inspiration.
What the heck did people do before the internet?

Oh, and we're thisclose to getting 200 "likes" on facebook! So please share us with your friends, it's very exciting to have so many readers and I'm looking forward to spending more time crafting and blogging so I can share everything with you!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe halloween!