
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Crochet Owl Hat

Thanks to Gail Anne Photography for the beautiful photo.
I made this hat for my friend's newborn daughter and I was lucky enough to have my work photographed on one of the cutest baby girls I've ever seen! After completing this hat I've decided to open an Etsy shop for my knitted/crocheted items.

I'll try not to plug my store too often but I will leave a link ^ up there for you to take a gander at anything I have for sale.
I'll also be doing giveaways and special coupon codes for my readers.
This hat can be done in many variations but I'm definitely partial to the sleepy eyes. For older babies/kids hell even adults the braids can be omitted.
I'm very excited to add more items to my store and hopefully use up that stash of yarn!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

um, no one call Hoarders on me, ok?

shout out to my girl Jo-Ann!
Check out this clusterF*&K
I have a serious problem ya'll. It's the yarn, I can't resist it, I'm a crafter obsessed. I literally have a closet full of yarn and yet I can't go to a craft store without buying more of it. You know on Hoarders when they show you piles of crap with new crap still in the bag on top of the old crap. Yeah, that's starting to resemble my yarn stash.

 The thing is, I'm making projects, I'm getting things done but now I just have a bigger list of projects to make, so of course my supplies have to be in order. I'm expecting a shipment of some eyelash yarn for a very special project coming up that I can't wait to share with you.
I love closet organizers
In the mean time I'm going to be heading to Target for more closet organizers. Apparently my current set up can't contain my impressive stash. To help deplete some of it I decided I'm going to use my baby yarn and Homespun yarn to make hats for preemies/infants for my local hospital. I would like to make it a recurring donation so if anyone would like to help please let me know, I'd be happy to take donations of hats and send them along. I'm doing this for 2 reasons. #1 like I said, to put a dent in my stash of yarn that otherwise would just sit there and make room for the yarn i'll be using, and #2. I love the hospital where I gave birth at. It's a wonderful place and I would love to help them out. I know how important it is for these babies to have their hats, and I also know how much crafty moms like myself love to use those all symbolic hospital hats.
I've put my daughter's in a shadow box with her birth info. (I'd post a pic of it but I'm not taking the risk of waking her up)

So, please, if you have A&E on the line, hang up. I don't need an intervention just yet. But, I do have a lot of yarn. ;o)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Time out for a second to talk about Ebates

I don't know how many of you have seen the commercials for Ebates, but they're not kidding. I have actually gotten checks, in the mail for shopping on line. To date I've gotten over $200! Not only is ebates good for cash back, it's also great for coupons. Anytime I'm online shopping, which is quite a bit. I check there first. They have tons of stores to choose from. And what's almost the coolest part, their referral program. You earn $5.00 for each new person that signs up through you, and they always have some extra bonuses going on. For real, if you haven't checked it out yet, do so. Ebates Rocks.
Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hulk Ear Flap Hat

This hat was made for my nephew, I couldn't find a pattern so I made one up. I think the hat came out pretty good

View PDF Patern Here