
Friday, June 1, 2012

Knit iPad2 Case

I realize that my photography skills, or lack therof are leaving a lot to be desired but it's the best shot i could get of this with my camera phone. This was knit on a round loom (mine is the Orange loom from Boye with 36 pegs) The knifty knitter version is green.

This is the Pattern

Use bulky yarn, or use double strand worsted weight yarn.

E-Wrap for 12"
Cast off
Sew up one end for the bottom.
Take the top of your sleeve, crease it in half, put half of the stitches back on the loom, and continue to e-wrap a flat piece (left to right then right to left, or honestly it doesn't matter which direction you go, whatever you're comfortable with)
Do this for another 6"
Bind off

You are done!!

Now, if you don't want to cast the whole thing off and re-do 1/2 stitches you can just cast off half of the stitches, cut your yarn to weave in and continue making the flap from there. I might try this next time as I had a small issue with the stitches lining up with the rest of the work.
Obviously you can change the pattern and knit the whole thing instead of e-wrapping, finishing with a button, or adding in cables, which will be my next attempt. Overall it's a great way to get familiar with loom knitting and it's something else do make besides a hat!

If you like this project please feel free to Pin it!

Happy Knitting!

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