
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blog Design Giveaway!

Not only am I super handy with knitting needles and cake pans I also enjoy dabbling in blog design.

My latest project was for a friend of mine, Sarah at Frugal by Choice, Cheap by Necessity.
Sarah's blog is great, she has tons of great recipes, DIY projects and a ton of pictures of her adorable super-hero loving son!

For Sarah's Blog I made her a custom header, blog button/grab me code, favicon and added pages and other gadgets including a "pin it" button for Pinterest.

The Rules for the Giveaway are as follows:
1. Comment here with your blog address and why you want/need a blog design. (1 entry)
2. Head over to Sarah's Blog and mention me in your comment. (1 entry)
3. "Like" our page on Facebook and leave a comment mentioning the giveaway. (1 entry)
4. Follow me on Pinterest * (1 entry)
5. Become a "follower" of this blog ------> over there (1 entry)

Using the lucky winner will get hooked up with a Free, yes free, blog design. How kewl is that?!

*If you live under a rock and don't have a Pinterest account yet and need an invite, email me here.

**Entry deadline is 6/15**


  1. Tara I need a blog re-do because computers baffle me!!! I want to share craft projects, food ideas, makeup how-tos& outfit inspirations with the world! My blog is

    Crossing my fingers!!

    I deff need a new design because I've entered the blogging world and I want to enter with a bang! I always do things big and I know this is another venture I intend on using FOREVER! I've become literally addicted to blogging and this would be a great way for me to vamp it up! Get something no one else has! Unique just like me! I enjoy blogging and have found it as a way to get my feelings out there while keeping others in my life in the loop. I'm still waiting on making my debut in the blogging world and making my blog popular but I'm hoping maybe someday I can be "big" and have tons of followers interested in the projects I do and the lifestyle I choose to live! If/When I make it big I'll of course need a gorgeous format to show off!!

    I also have a blog linked to mine for my business. It would be more professional if I were to make that blog nice also.

    Thank you for sponsoring such a wonderful package! I have become extremely jealous of all the wonderful talent you have!

  3. Wait. Do I have to do all five things to enter?

    You know my blog needs a redo. You've seen it, it needs help.

    1. Thanks for the clarification!

      Just to make sure I'm following the rules my blog address is:

      I'm in need of a redo, I've wanted one for a while but haven't been willing to spend the cash.

  4. My blog address is:

    I am a mother to 3 biological children and 3 foster children. I have 6 kids under the age of 7. My blog was originally a crunchy, health blog but has now become about our foster care journey. I would love to have it updated. I don't have ANY time to spend on it. I don't have a facebook or a pinterest. Thanks!

  5. Oops! to Clarify, each action above is one entry!

  6. I use a standard background of a bunch of books that was one of the preset choices Blogspot gave me when I set up my blog. My blog is so I thought, "Hey look! Books! Perfect!" And then the other day I ran across some crazy fundamentalist, "Wives, submit to your husbands even if he tells you to do something completely illegal or immoral or even if he doesn't want you to submit and keeps asking you to make a decision yourself for once!" ladies and her blog looked. exactly. like. mine. Eww. Now I feel totally creeped out every time I update my blog. However, I have no skills to fix that other than just choosing another template. Sad.

  7. Me me meeee! My blog is By the Porchlight I need a blog makeover to make it more user-friendly - I really want a banner made with links embedded in it so I can create pages/sections to my site (like crafting, cooking, etc). This would help my new little blog get some more traffic!

  8. (+ did everything to get all the entries!)

  9. My blog is I need a makeover because my blog looks kind of blah and I want to jazz it up.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  10. I'm a gfc follower. Ashley Hewell

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  11. I like you on fb and left a comment.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  12. Liked you on Facebook! (Eileen Kodalen)
    Following you on Pinterest (eileenonyou)
    Following the blog (
    Commented on Sarah's blog!

    I really really really need a blog design because mine is SO boring. I've done all of the personalizing I know how to do within Wordpress and it still puts me to sleep looking at it. I want my blog to look professional. HELP!


  13. I just bought a domain and while still on blogger I no longer have a "". I want a new look for my blog as mine looks like a newbie created it! lol. I want it to look a little more"professional" as I'm hoping to expand! I think a new look will help a lot.

  14. following via GFC

  15. "liked" you on Facebook and left a comment there!
